A memoir project dedicated to raising awareness for domestic violence and sexual assault by sharing Kerry Keyes' remarkable life story.


A young woman’s harrowing journey across state lines to escape an endless cycle of abuse. Raised in a comfortable middle class neighborhood in America’s Midwest, Kerry’s seduction by a master manipulator plunges her into a world of deceit and violence. Forced to perform illegal acts to keep herself alive and her family intact, she spirals downward, ending up behind bars. As the web of deception intensifies, Kerry’s relentless quest for freedom takes her from prisoner to fugitive. Living under a false identity buys her time, but luck runs out…


From St. Louis to Denver to San Francisco and back, Kerry’s story grabs and won’t let go. Ultimately a testimony to resilience, courage and love of family, She Can Fly is a frightening adrenaline rush that reads like true crime—a poignant cautionary tale, culminating in redemption, justice, and hope.

"To every person asking why the abused stays with the abuser, this book may help to gain an understanding. As a preventative tool, it is invaluable."

-Shannon Lastowski, Vine Voice

"Gabel has reconstructed a remarkable, terrible, ineffably sad, and ultimately grace-saved life. She Can Fly is a generational meditation on suffering, redemption, and the debts we owe to one another: difficult to read, extraordinary to read, essential to read."

-Joseph Rago, The Wall Street Journal

"I am inspired by the authors I get to talk to, but Michael G. Gabel has newly impressed and inspired me. His selfless dedication and commitment to change lives for the better, to support women in escaping abuse is incredible to me."

-Dana Roc, DanaRoc.com